Wisdom Education Fund

Music and Language Education Philanthropic FUND

Established as a philanthropic fund to enhance children's music and languages education globally.

“Creating Leaders of the 21st Century in the Epiphany of all Humanitarian Subjects”

Ethical Donation Policies

The Musical Language Score is Patented IP2013901421 - IP2013101677

The Seven Layers are:

Music (Voice), Culture, Emotion, Time, Information, Relationships, Images (Imagination)

Adhering to the Quality Educational Practices of

Australian Music Examination Board

Donate to Music and Language Education

“The melody, pitch and rhythm of language are fundamentally music to a child's ears.”

— HRH Melody Grace Godwinsdatter WD (2013)

“"I would teach children music, arts and philosophy, but most importantly music, for the patterns in music and all the arts, are the keys to learning.”

— Plato

“To have a second language is to have a second soul.”

— Charlemagne.

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart”

— Nelson Mandela

'Humans are as an orchestra of musical love; with major scales, minor scales, melodies, sharps and flats, naturals, rests, pitch control, of different time signatures. We need maintenance, for broken reeds, a polish, stuck valves. We, humanity, are an orchestra. I am a conductor.'

— HRH Melody Grace Godwinsdatter WD (2022)

  • Music is Language is Music

    “The child whom learns a musical instrument and to read music, will connect both hemispheres of their brain. They shall learn of ‘key signatures and time signatures’ allowing their mind to establish a ‘musical subconscious’ of the harmonic series of the Fibonacci Sequence, to the seventh harmonic of heaven and communicate with their Creator, enhancing memory into the light frequencies of 432 hz.”

    Godwinsdatter, M.G. (2023).


Process of  Selection of Scholarship Recipients | Other Guidelines | Marketing | Social Media | Publication | Support Staff

  1. Marketing brochures sent to Islamic, Catholic, Jewish, Montessori, Independent Minority Faith, Identified Gifted Child Scholarship Students

  2. Application form completed

  3. Assessment by Managing Director - Experienced Music and Language Education Specialist : retains sole rights as an academic professional to consider all variables in the suitability of the recipients to receive moneys. 

  4. Year 1 - Maximum 10 recipients | Year 2 Maximum 15 recipients | Year 3 Maximum 20 recipients | Year 4 Maximum 25 recipients | Year 5 Maximum 30 recipients | Year 6-10 Commencing in Australia, adding of Other countries of recipients with the same pattern as above for Years 1-5  in these countries. [1-10, 2-15, 3-20, 4-25, 5-30]

  5. Agreement by recipient institution and child - Quarterly reports on progress of 1 page length by educational coordinator staff.  Six month music recital | language samples in reading + writing | listening + speaking. Inclusive of photos of recipient with staff, child, parents involved [at the discretion of the educational institution in alignment with their guiding legal parameters].

  6. Marketing, media, social media - conducive with educational institutions guidelines. Wisdom Education Fund shall produce two newsletters to all recipient Educational Institutions with an overview of progress at 7 months and 13 months utilising the reports from educational establishments data submitted to the Managing Director. This shall be forwarded via email to Royal Family Alliance Members and / or posted. 

  7. Every two years a physical publication of a ROYAL FAMILY ALLIANCE Wisdom Education Fund - Music and Language Volume 1 [2 etc] book (utilising Blurb - Bookright) shall be created and published with copies being sent to the participating educational institutions. These shall also be forwarded to the State and National Libraries in the countries of WEF Wisdom Education Fund Scholarships.

  8. The Managing Director has the sole power and full discretion to create a support team of  academics, office staff, artists, musicians, marketing and language specialists to assist with the successful management of the Royal Family Alliance Wisdom Education Fund and retains full power to change or alter this Constitution and Financial Parameters Document. Considerations and reflective assessment shall be carried out at 8 months and 14 months each year, with a 2 page summary report with images, tables and notes created as a personal audit.

  9. All student recipients who participate in the Wisdom Education Fund are invited to belong to this exclusive network and shall receive an annual achievement certificate with a significant item of encouragement provided by the Managing Director in gratitude for the hard work, progress and tenacity to do their best at all times.